Performance of untreated timbers in above ground decking tests: Preliminary results from an international collaborative trial
Francis L, Norton J, Melcher E, Wong AHH, Lai JK, Klamer M, Konkler MJ, Morrell JJ (2019) Performance of untreated timbers in above ground decking tests: Preliminary results from an international collaborative trial. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Paper prepared for the 50th IRG Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 12 - 16 May 2019, IRG/WP 19-10940. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat
Evaluation of timber bridges with special consideration of detail design
Robbers K, Fromm J, Melcher E (2017) Evaluation of timber bridges with special consideration of detail design. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Ghent, Belgium 4.6.-8.6.2017. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-18
Ensuring quality of treated wood - regulations, certifications and associative background in the field of wood protection in Europe
Kutnik M, Klamer M, Melcher E (2017) Ensuring quality of treated wood - regulations, certifications and associative background in the field of wood protection in Europe. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Ghent, Belgium 4.6.-8.6.2017. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-15
Comparative studies on the durability of English oak (Quercus robur L.) under in-service, field and laboratory conditions
Brischke C, Meyer-Veltrup L, Soetbeer A, Höpken M, Melcher E, Trautner J (2017) Comparative studies on the durability of English oak (Quercus robur L.) under in-service, field and laboratory conditions. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Ghent, Belgium 4.6.-8.6.2017. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-16
Case study: "Riesenbühlturm"
Melcher E, Müller J (2017) Case study: Riesenbühlturm. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Ghent, Belgium 4.6.-8.6.2017. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-18
10 year report on COST E17 Round Robin Tests - comparison of results from laboratory and field tests
Westin M, Conti E, Creemers J, Flaete PO, Gellerich A, Irbe I, Klamer M, Melcher E, Möller R, Nunes L, Palanti S, Reinprecht L, Suttie E, Viitanen H (2017) 10 year report on COST E17 Round Robin Tests - comparison of results from laboratory and field tests. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Ghent, Belgium 4.6.-8.6.2017. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-12
COST FP 1303 Cooperative Performance Test - Results after two years outdoor exposure
Lesar B, Humar M, Brischke C, Meyer-Veltrup L, Jones D, Thaler N, Abascal JM, Alfredsen G, Brennhuber B, Grodas E, Irle M, Kers J, Klamer M, Mahnert KC, Melcher E, Palanti S, Noel M, Suttie E, Pfabigan N, Touza M (2017) COST FP 1303 Cooperative Performance Test - Results after two years outdoor exposure. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Ghent, Belgium 4.6.-8.6.2017. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-18
Genetic characterisation of the deathwatch beetle - call for support
Höpken M, Melcher E, Trautner J (2017) Genetic characterisation of the deathwatch beetle - call for support. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting : Ghent, Belgium 4.6.-8.6.2017. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-5
Screening of fastener performance in contact with untreated wood using different test designs
Melcher E, Wolf S, Cera U (2016) Screening of fastener performance in contact with untreated wood using different test designs. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, p 12
Report on COST E37 Round Robin Tests - Comparison of results from laboratory and field tests
Westin M, Conti E, Creemers J, Flaete PO, Gellerich A, Irbe I, Klamer M, Mazela B, Melcher E, Möller R, Nunes L, Palanti S, Reinprecht L, Suttie E, Viitanen H (2013) Report on COST E37 Round Robin Tests - Comparison of results from laboratory and field tests. In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting. Stockholm: IRG Secretariat, pp 1-12