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Pollen development to the binucleate stage in different barley varieties
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Studies on the level and the course of nitrogen and energy deposition of early weaned baby pigs
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Some aspects of the patho-morphological differentiation between avian leukosis and Marek's Disease
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Histochemische und histologische Untersuchungen an der Vagina von Schweinen in verschiedenen Zyklusstadien
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Verfahren und Geräte zur Stoppelbearbeitung
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Microbial degradation of the thiolcarbamate herbicide, diallate, in soils and by pure cultures of microorganisms
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Mikromorphologische Untersuchungen an einer nordwestdeutschen Parabraunerde-Pseudogleysequenz aus Löß
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[Bericht über] Symposium on cow identification systems and their application vom 8. bis 9. April 1976 in Wageningen
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5. Europäische Geflügelkonferenz in Malta: Eiqualität : (II)
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