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Zeitschrift: British poultry science
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Es wurden 17 Ergebnisse in 1 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 17 von 17.
Analysis of chicken embryonic development after cell removal of blastodermal cells for sexing
Restricted maximum likelihood estimates of genetic parameters of adult male and female island red chickens divergently selected for residual feed consumption
Simultaneous estimation of covariances with REML and Henderson 3 in a selected chicken population
Gordon memorial lecture : from Mendel to multinational in poultry breeding
Genetic resistance to leukosis virus infection: effects on mortality and egg-production in Leghorn-hens
Relationship between genes at the pea and single comb locus and economic traits in broiler chicken
The effect of 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid (3-nitro-hoechst) on egg production and food conversion of laying hens and residue analyses of muscle, organs and eggs
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