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Verlag: Copenhagen: ICES
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Es wurden 442 Ergebnisse in 4 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 281 bis 290 von 442.
Mixing of western and eastern Baltic cod in SD 24 based on otolith shape : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper
Distance between centre and outer edge of hyaline zones of western and eastern Baltic cod : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2 – 6 March 2015 ; working paper (2)
Distance between otolith centre and outer edge of first hyaline zone used to quantify proportion of western Baltic cod in SD 22, 24 and 25 : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper (3)
Growth of western Baltic cod - Estimated based length frequency distribution of smaller cod : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper
Evaluation of different methods to assign individual Baltic cod to the Western or Eastern stock : Benchmark on Baltic cod stocks (WKBALCOD) 2–6 March 2015 ; working paper
Integration of fisheries in marine spatial planning: quo vadis?
Hyperpigmentation of common dab (Limanda limanda L.)
Biology, abundance and feeding ecology of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the eastern German Baltic. Book of Extended Abstracts: ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, 21.09. - 25.09. Copenhagen, Denmark
Applicability of the Separation Function (SF) for Western Baltic Spring Spawning and Central Baltic herring stocks on 2013 GERAS survey results : Working Document Working Group of the International Pelagic Surveys (WGIPS)/WBSSH, 20 – 24 January 2014
Research report from the German Baltic Acoustic Spring Survey (GerBASS) on board of the R.V. "Solea" : Working paper on the WGBIFS meeting in Gdynia 24-28.03.2014
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