Cultivation of Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing. on ligno-cellulose containing wastes : 1. Factors affecting saprophytic colonization and decomposition of substrate
Zadrazil F (1989) Cultivation of Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing. on ligno-cellulose containing wastes : 1. Factors affecting saprophytic colonization and decomposition of substrate. In: Grabbe K, Hilber O (eds) Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 2. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 357-368
Die Entwicklung von Standardmethoden für die Anzucht von Speisepilzmyzelien in Submerskultur
Wissig E, Grabbe K (1989) Die Entwicklung von Standardmethoden für die Anzucht von Speisepilzmyzelien in Submerskultur. In: Grabbe K, Hilber O (eds) Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 2. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 423-439
Cadmium-, Blei- und Quecksilbergehalte in Fruchtkörpern von Wildpilzen
Fleckenstein J, Grabbe K (1989) Cadmium-, Blei- und Quecksilbergehalte in Fruchtkörpern von Wildpilzen. In: Grabbe K, Hilber O (eds) Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 2. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 577-585
Cultivation of Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing. on ligno-cellulose containing wastes : 2. Nitrogen and other factors determining fruit body formation and yield
Zadrazil F (1989) Cultivation of Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing. on ligno-cellulose containing wastes : 2. Nitrogen and other factors determining fruit body formation and yield. In: Grabbe K, Hilber O (eds) Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 2. Braunschweig: FAL, pp 369-386
Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 2
Grabbe K, Hilber O (eds) (1989) Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 2. Braunschweig: FAL, XXIV,935 p
Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 1
Grabbe K, Hilber O (eds) (1989) Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi 1987 : part 1. Braunschweig: FAL, XXIII,851 p