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Zeitschrift: Trees : structure and function
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Es wurden 27 Ergebnisse in 6 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 21 bis 27 von 27.
Molecular identification of individual oak and fir trees from maternal tissues of their fruits or seeds
Morphology, wood structure and cell wall composition of rolC transgenic and non-transformed aspen trees
Wood formation in rolC transgenic aspen trees
Photosynthesis rates of selected tree species in lowland dipterocarp rainforest of Sabah, Malaysia
M13 DNA fingerprinting can be used in studies on phenotypic reversions of forest tree mutants
Response of xylem paranchyma by suberization in some hardwoods after mechanical injury
Interactions between Cylindrocarpon destructans and ectomycorrhiza of Picea abies with Laccaria laccata and Paxillus involutus
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