Effects of CO2-enrichment on pasture plants
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N2O-emissions from an arable soil: Spatial variability and influencing parameters
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Effect of CO2 enrichment on cereals
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Modellansatz zur Prognose von Wirkungen einer Klimaänderung auf Pflanzen in der Kulturlandschaft am Beispiel von Carex bumilis und Lycopodium annotinum
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Perspectives for future developments of biotechnology in animal nutrition
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Response of broilers to dietary treated and untreated sheabuttercake supplemented with molasses
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Effects of polyethylene glycol treated leucaena leaf based diets on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of pigs
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Production and utilization of available feed resources in the Butana area in the Sudan
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Möglichkeiten der Konservierung von Nebenprodukten der Agroindustrie
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Selection of plant species suitable for whole crop utilization and biorefinery processing
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