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Verlag: Rome; FAO
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Es wurden 31 Ergebnisse in 5 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 21 bis 30 von 31.
Biogasification of solid residues from agriculture and agro-industry
Anaerobic fluidized bed reactors with PUR carriers
Kompostierung organischer Abfälle in der Landwirtschaft
Biomethanation of slaughterhouse wastes in pilot-scale
Final treatment for cattle manure using immobilized microalgae: study of the support media
Wirkung der Rezirkulation auf die anaerobe Umsetzung von Rindermist in einem Biofilmreaktor
Treatment of liquid manure with nutrient recovery
Ventilated construction parts as heat exchangers
Specific effects or soil organic matter on the potential of soil productivity : 1, Biochemistry of soil organic matter
Proposals for the characterization of soil organic matter as an approach to understands in dynamics
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