Response of broilers to dietary treated and untreated sheabuttercake supplemented with molasses
Annongu AA, Ter Meulen U, Atteh JO (1996) Response of broilers to dietary treated and untreated sheabuttercake supplemented with molasses. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 169:295-300
Effects of polyethylene glycol treated leucaena leaf based diets on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of pigs
Gultom D, Ter Meulen U, Tangendjaja B (1996) Effects of polyethylene glycol treated leucaena leaf based diets on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of pigs. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 169:403-412
Production and utilization of available feed resources in the Butana area in the Sudan
Elgunaid EM, Ter Meulen U, Pflaumbaum H (1996) Production and utilization of available feed resources in the Butana area in the Sudan. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 169:392-397
Joint Seminar of Animal Resources Research Centre, Seoul-Korea and Institute of Animal Husbandry and Ethology (FAL) Mariensee - Germany on "Activities and Advances in Biotechnology-Research for Animal Resources" held at Mariensee/Germany 19th-22nd February 1995
Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (1996) Joint Seminar of Animal Resources Research Centre, Seoul-Korea and Institute of Animal Husbandry and Ethology (FAL) Mariensee - Germany on Activities and Advances in Biotechnology-Research for Animal Resources held at Mariensee/Germany 19th-22nd February 1995. Braunschweig: FAL, 132 p, Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 164
Klimaveränderung und Landbewirtschaftung - Landwirtschaft als Verursacherin und Betroffene : 1. Workshop 22. bis 24. Mai in Müncheberg ; Tagungsbericht
Obenauf S (ed) (1996) Klimaveränderung und Landbewirtschaftung - Landwirtschaft als Verursacherin und Betroffene : 1. Workshop 22. bis 24. Mai in Müncheberg ; Tagungsbericht. Braunschweig: FAL, IX, 211 p, Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 165
Die Lupine : Geschichte und Evolution einer Kulturpflanze
Hondelmann W (1996) Die Lupine : Geschichte und Evolution einer Kulturpflanze. Braunschweig: FAL, 247 p, Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 162
Proceedings of the EU-Seminar new information on welfare and meat quality of pigs as related to handling, transport and lairage conditions : EC-AIR3-Project CT92-0262 "Methods of improving pig welfare and meat quality by reducing stress and discomfort before slaughter
Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft (1996) Proceedings of the EU-Seminar new information on welfare and meat quality of pigs as related to handling, transport and lairage conditions : EC-AIR3-Project CT92-0262 Methods of improving pig welfare and meat quality by reducing stress and discomfort before slaughter. Braunschweig: FAL, 242 p, Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 166
Concentrations and fluxes of ammonia above agriculturally used areas
Zimmerling R (1996) Concentrations and fluxes of ammonia above agriculturally used areas. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 165:19-32
Untersuchungen zum chemischen Klima in Südostniedersachsen : Arbeiten des Teilprojektes A10 "Stoffflüsse in der bodennahen Atmosphäre" des Sonderforschungsbereichs 179 "Wasser- und Stoffdynamik in Agrar-Ökosystemen"
Dämmgen U (ed) (1996) Untersuchungen zum chemischen Klima in Südostniedersachsen : Arbeiten des Teilprojektes A10 Stoffflüsse in der bodennahen Atmosphäre des Sonderforschungsbereichs 179 Wasser- und Stoffdynamik in Agrar-Ökosystemen. Braunschweig: FAL, 333 p, Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 170
Recent advances in domestic animal biotechnology
Niemann H (1996) Recent advances in domestic animal biotechnology. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 164:22-36