Possibilities for reduction of excretion (N, P, CH4, trace elements) from food producing animals from the European view
Flachowsky G (2006) Possibilities for reduction of excretion (N, P, CH4, trace elements) from food producing animals from the European view. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 100
Feeding of genetically modifies (Bt) maize to laying hens over four generations
Halle I, Flachowsky G (2006) Feeding of genetically modifies (Bt) maize to laying hens over four generations. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 146
Studies on Rare Earth Elements (REE) in animal nutrition
Böhme H, Förster D, Halle I, Meyer U, Flachowsky G (2006) Studies on Rare Earth Elements (REE) in animal nutrition. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 125
Effects of Iodine supplementation on Iodine cencentration in blood and milk of dairy cows
Flachowsky G, Schöne F, Leiterer M, Bemmann D, Lebzien P (2006) Effects of Iodine supplementation on Iodine cencentration in blood and milk of dairy cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 295
Influence of linseed oil and diet composition on conjugated linolic acids (CLA) in duodenal flow and milk fat of cows
Flachowsky G, Erdmann K, Jahreis G, Lebzien P (2006) Influence of linseed oil and diet composition on conjugated linolic acids (CLA) in duodenal flow and milk fat of cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 305
Cross-sucking behaviour and blood glucose levels in group housed Holstein Friesian calves
Flömer M, Ude G, Moors E, Georg H, Bockisch F-J, Gauly M (2006) Cross-sucking behaviour and blood glucose levels in group housed Holstein Friesian calves. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 327
Resting behaviour of horses depending on the offer of exercise and climate
Gille C, Moors E, Bockisch F-J, Kreimeier P, Gauly M (2006) Resting behaviour of horses depending on the offer of exercise and climate. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 68
Building and process technique requirements in horse husbandry systems: Investigations and trends in regard to animal welfare and environment protection
Bockisch F-J, Kreimeier P, Hoffmann G, Hohmann T, Bohnet W, Brehme U (2006) Building and process technique requirements in horse husbandry systems: Investigations and trends in regard to animal welfare and environment protection. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 12: 65
MRI as a reference technique to assess carcass composition in pig performance testing
Baulain U, Tholen E, Höreth R, Wiese M (2005) MRI as a reference technique to assess carcass composition in pig performance testing. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 11: 227
Effect of dietary fat or different sources on growth and slaughter performance of growing pigs and fatty acid pattern of back fat and intramuscular fat
Böhme H, Kratz R, Schulz E, Flachowsky G, Glodek P (2005) Effect of dietary fat or different sources on growth and slaughter performance of growing pigs and fatty acid pattern of back fat and intramuscular fat. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 11: 242