Using an innovative net-pen-based observation method to assess and compare fish pot-entrance catch efficiency for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
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Short-term tagging mortality of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
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Niche overlap among anglers, fishers and cormorants and their removals of fish biomass: A case from brackish lagoon ecosystems in the southern Baltic Sea
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Trophic niche variability influences body condition of female Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on organosomatic and biochemical levels
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Validation approaches of a geolocation framework to reconstruct movements of demersal fish equipped with data storage tags in a stratified environment
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First evidence of a new spawning stock of Illex coindetii in the North Sea (NE-Atlantic)
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Historical growth of Eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua): Setting a baseline with international tagging data
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Egg production methods applied to Eastern Baltic cod provide indices of spawning stock dynamics
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Synthetic harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) communication signals emitted by acoustic alerting device (Porpoise ALert, PAL) significantly reduce their bycatch in western Baltic gillnet fisheries
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Blue whiting distribution and migration in Greenland waters
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