Biogaseinspeisung ins Erdgasnetz - Stand und Perspektiven
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Nutzungskonkurrenzen durch die Förderung von Biogas und anderen Energieträgern
Gömann H, Kreins P, Osterburg B, Breuer T (2007) Nutzungskonkurrenzen durch die Förderung von Biogas und anderen Energieträgern. Agrarspectrum SchrR 40:135-150
Biodiesel, Pflanzenöl, Ethanol - Bestandsaufnahme und ökonomische Perspektiven in Deutschland
Schmitz N (2007) Biodiesel, Pflanzenöl, Ethanol - Bestandsaufnahme und ökonomische Perspektiven in Deutschland. Agrarspectrum SchrR 40:151-164
Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Erzeugung von Bioethanol
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Biokraftstoffe - technologische Perspektiven
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Investigations of degradation of foreign-DNA in the intestinal tract of dairy cows, and of presence of foreign-DNA in blood and milk, after feeding genetically modified corn MON 810
Hesse D, Aulrich K, Flachowsky G (2007) Investigations of degradation of foreign-DNA in the intestinal tract of dairy cows, and of presence of foreign-DNA in blood and milk, after feeding genetically modified corn MON 810. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 16: 112
Effects of supplementation with increasing levels of iodine on the iodine concentration of tissues and organs of beef cattle
Weigel K, Meyer U, Leiterer M, Schöne F, Flachowsky G (2007) Effects of supplementation with increasing levels of iodine on the iodine concentration of tissues and organs of beef cattle. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 16: 42
Effect of an ergot contaminated concentrate on rumen fermentation in cows with different levels of feed intake
Schumann B, Dänicke S, Lebzien P, Flachowsky G (2007) Effect of an ergot contaminated concentrate on rumen fermentation in cows with different levels of feed intake. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 16: 78
On the transfer of the Fusarium toxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) from the sow to the full-term piglet during the last third of gestation
Dänicke S, Brüssow KP, Goyarts T, Valenta H, Ueberschär K-H, Tiemann U (2007) On the transfer of the Fusarium toxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) from the sow to the full-term piglet during the last third of gestation. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 16: 76
Evaluation of the German NE system for dairy cows on the basis of an extensive data set from feeding trials
Gruber L, Susenbeth A, Schwarz FJ, Fischer B, Spiekers H, Steingaß H, Meyer U, Chassot A, Jilg T, Obermaier A (2007) Evaluation of the German NE system for dairy cows on the basis of an extensive data set from feeding trials. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 16: 125