Investigations on the contents of crude protein and essential amino acids in various organically produced pea cultivars (Pisum sativum)
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Comparison of photometric methods for determination of phytate in Jatropha carcass kernel meal (JKM)
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Earthworms as a potential source of animal protein for aquafeeds for common carp
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Emissions of greenhouse gases and gaseous air pollutants : a challenge for animal nutrition
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Effects of variation in incubation temperature on feed intake and performance of broilers
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Empty body composition of female calves and heifers (German Holstein Breed) as a function of feeding intensity and live weight
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Comparative study on body composition of growing cattle assessed by chemical analysis and by Magnetic Resonance Tomography (MRT)
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Metabolic programming of calves : effects of postnatal nutrient supply on the peripheral insulin response
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Variation of feed intake of dairy cows in consecutive lactations
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Content of minerals in organically grown grain legumes and cereals
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