Warnecke S, Schulz F, Paulsen HM, Rahmann G (2014) Differences in feeding practices on organic and conventional dairy farms - data from a farm network. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:343-346
Heinze S, Vogel A (2014) Reversion from organic to conventional agriculture in Germany. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:347-349
Janssen M, Zander K (2014) Do you like organic wine? Preferences of organic consumers. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:355-358
Ohm M, Schüler M, Warnecke S, Paulsen HM, Rahmann G (2014) Measurement methods on pastures and their use in environmental life-cycle assessment. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:419-422
Moos JH, Paulsen HM, Schrader S, Rahmann G (2014) Effects of temporarily reduced tillage in organic crop rotations on yield, earthworm biomass and development of weed pressure : First results of a case study from Schleswig-Holstein/Germany. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:423-426
Sanders J, Hamm U, Kuhnert H (2014) Reversion of organic farms to conventional farming in Germany. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:439-440
Paulsen HM, Warnecke S, Rahmann G (2014) Options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from enteric fermentation and manure handling in dairy farming – An analysis based on farm network data. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:441-444
Zipp KA, Barth K, Knierim U (2014) Agitation behaviour and heart rate of dairy cows with and without
calf-contact during different stimuli in the parlour. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:463-466
Bender S, Ude G, Rahmann G, Weißmann F, Aulrich K, Georg H (2014) Fatty acid composition of organic goat kid meat from dairy goat and crossbred meat goat kids. Thünen Rep 20, Vol. 2:523-526
Wie wirken Maßnahmen zum Klimawandel auf Ökosystemleistungen? : Umwelt- und sozioökonomische Bewertung von Landnutzungsstrategien in Forst und Landwirtschaft
Rajmis S, Weller P, Hirschfeld J, Elsasser P (2013) Wie wirken Maßnahmen zum Klimawandel auf Ökosystemleistungen? : Umwelt- und sozioökonomische Bewertung von Landnutzungsstrategien in Forst und Landwirtschaft. In: Fick J (ed) Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel : nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Deutschland: Sachstand und Perspektiven. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, p 4