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Zeitschrift: Environmental pollution
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Es wurden 38 Ergebnisse in 1 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 38 von 38.
Response of a grassland ecosystem to air pollutants : I. Experimental concept and site of the Braunschweig grassland investigation program
Effects of open-top chamber fumigations with ozone on three fungal leaf diseases of wheat and the mycoflora of the phyllosphere
Single and interactive effects of low levels of O3, SO2 and NO2 on the growth and yield of spring rape
Future research directions and data requirements for developing ambient ozone guidelines or standards for agroecosystems
Yield responses of different crop species to long-term fumigation with sulphur dioxide in open-top chambers
Analyses of enzyme activities and other metabolic criteria after five years of fumigation
Mineral content in the soil and tree foliage
An open-top chamber study with filtered and non-filtered air to evaluate the effects of air pollutants on crops
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