Bitetto I, Goncalves P, Berg F, Casciaro L, Chaves C, Craig J, Espino García D, Fernandes AC, Gonçalves M, Modica L, Gazi KM, Pan Añón M, Prista N, van Wijk D, Vanelslander B, Vaz Martins T, Wischnewski J (2024) Working Group on Biological Sampling Optimization (WGBIOPTIM). Copenhagen: ICES, v, 86 p, ICES Sci Rep 6(51), DOI:10.17895/
Garcia D, Minto C, Jacobsen JA, Aristegui-Ezquibela M, Aune M, Buch TB, Bartolino V, Bergenius Nord M, Bogstad B, Boje J, Brooks ME, Brunel T, Butler W, Cardinale M, Cervino S, Chen C, Cousido Rocha M, Kempf A, Taylor MH, Haase S, et al (2024) Workshop on the calculation and evaluation of new reference points for category 1-2 stocks (WKNEWREF). Copenhagen: ICES, vi, 241 p, ICES Sci Rep 6(100), DOI:10.17895/
Blom E, de Boois IJ, Balliu D, Bekaert K, de Vries M, Elsheimer A, Lanssens T, Lemey L, Maertens I, Schiltz N, Torreblanca E, Wieser S, Winning S (2024) Workshop on the maturity staging of lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) (WKMSLEM). Copenhagen: ICES, iii, 40 p, ICES Sci Rep 6(89), DOI:10.17895/
Bernreuther M, Höffle H, Aune M, Hartkens L, Kristinsson K, Jónsson ST (2024) Working Group on International Deep Pelagic Ecosystem Surveys (WGIDEEPS; second report). Copenhagen: ICES, iii, 51 p, ICES Sci Rep 6(87), DOI:10.17895/
Hare JA, Gill A, Lipsky A, Haynie A, Copping AE, Kannen A, Kenny A, Muench A, Gimpel A, Aguera Garcia A, Karp B, Vogel C, Frank C, Schrum C, Oesterwind D, Wood D, Willsteed E, Machado I, Haase S, Stelzenmüller V, et al (2023) Workshop on a research roadmap for offshore and marine renewable energy (WKOMRE). Copenhagen: ICES, iii, 32 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(56), DOI:10.17895/
Kaljuste O, Sepp E, Degel H, Drevs T, Fedotova E, Finke A, Goni N, Haase S, Horbowy J, Larson N, Lilja J, Lövgren O, Parner H, Plikshs M, Pönni J, Radtke K, Raid T, Schaber M, Schmidt B, Velasco A, et al (2023) Working Group on Baltic International Fish Survey (WGBIFS; outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, iv, 529 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(10), DOI:10.17895/
Bartolino V, Spence M, Baudron A, Holdgate A, Perez A, Belgrano A, Beet A, McKeon C, Legault C, Perez C, Griffiths C, Soudijn F, De Castro F, Fay G, Delius G, Townsend H, Bentley J, Martindale J, Lentin J, Püts M, et al (2023) Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM; outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, [233] p, ICES Sci Rep 5(12), DOI:10.17895/
Costas G, O'Hea B, Alvarez P, Burns F, Eliasen S, Garabana D, Kloppmann MHF, Korta M, Krüger-Johnsen M, Mann L, Nash R, Riveiro I, Ulleweit J, Wieland K (2023) Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS; outputs form 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 67 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(20), DOI:10.17895/
Polte P, Alix M, Beggs S, Charitonidou K, Costas G, Diaz P, Fischbach V, Ganias K, Giraldo C, Höffle H, Holah H, Huwer B, Jimenez P, Joly L, Kjesbu O, Kloppmann MHF, Loots C, Makarcuks A, Tiedemann M, Ulleweit J, et al (2023) Working Group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Eggs Surveys (WGALES; outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 43 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(30), DOI:10.17895/
Currie D, Coad Davies J, Craig J, Holdsworth N, Lordan C, Mackinson S, Ono K, Ribeiro J, Storr-Paulsen M, Stransky C, Tait A, Torreele E, Verver S, Vigneau J, Volstad JH (2023) Working Group on the Governance of Quality Management of Data and Advice (WGQuality). Copenhagen: ICES, iv, 79 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(34), DOI:10.17895/