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Zeitschrift: Theriogenology
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Es wurden 121 Ergebnisse in 1 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 101 bis 110 von 121.
Towards the establishment of bovine embryonic stem cells
Cryopreservation of ova and embryos from livestock : current status and research needs
In-vitro survival of fresh and frozen/thawed bovine demi-embryos
A trial to stimulate insulin like growth factor I levels to improve superovulatory response in dairy cows
Embryo transfer technology as a tool to establish bovine genetic resources
In vitro developing of blastomeres isolated from 8- and 16-cell porcine embryos on extracellular matrices
Rapid milk progesterone assay as a tool for the selection of potential donor cows prior to superovulation
Rapid milk progesterone assay as a tool for the selection of potential donor cows prior to superovulation
Successful intercontinental transport of porcine embryos from Europe to South America
Purified FSH supplemented with defined amounts of LH for superovulation in dairy cattle
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