Nitrous release from cultivated soils: influence of N-fertilization levels
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Nitrous oxide release from cultivated soils : Influence of different grass/clover rations in fodder production
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Nitrogen effects of mineral fertilizer and excrements from grazing animals of pasture
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Die Bedeutung hydrologischer und physikalischer Bodeneigenschaften für die Schwefelversorgung von Kulturpflanzen
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Stellung der eigenen Arbeiten im Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 179
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Nitrogen efficiency on sandy soils under dry conditions of the Inshas desert of Egypt
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Diffuse Stoffeinträge aus der bodennahen Atmosphäre
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Contribution of N-fertilization to the N2O-release of an intensively cropped field
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Objectives and installations of the subproject A7 "Nutrient budgets of agricultural water catchments"
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Nutrient dynamics in drainage and brook water in the catchment areas of the CRP 179
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