Population and pedigree analysis of indigenous South African beef breeds
Westhuizen RR van der, Groeneveld E (2004) Population and pedigree analysis of indigenous South African beef breeds. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 37
Different Cu- and Zn-supplementations in nutrition of high performance pigs
Berk A, Flachowsky G, Fleckenstein J, Meyer U (2004) Different Cu- and Zn-supplementations in nutrition of high performance pigs. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 129
Effect of feeding a mixture of maize silage and alfalfa silage ensiled separately or together on feed intake and milk production in dairy cows
Meyer U, Pahlow G, Flachowsky G (2004) Effect of feeding a mixture of maize silage and alfalfa silage ensiled separately or together on feed intake and milk production in dairy cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 94
Determination of carcass composition in sheep by means of MRI cross sections
Baulain U, Brade W, Schön A, Korn S von (2004) Determination of carcass composition in sheep by means of MRI cross sections. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 243
Estimation of the carcass composition of station tested pigs
Wiese M, Tholen E, Baulain U, Höreth R (2004) Estimation of the carcass composition of station tested pigs. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 272
Use of endangered dual purpose cattle for a beef production scheme
Henning M, Ehling C, Köhler P (2004) Use of endangered dual purpose cattle for a beef production scheme. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 202
Establishing a national cryo bank for ovine breeds with semen collected post mortem
Schmidt T, Baulain U, Ehling C, Groeneveld E, Henning M, Rath D, Schwarz S, Weigend S (2004) Establishing a national cryo bank for ovine breeds with semen collected post mortem. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 36
Investigations on water intake of fattening bulls
Meyer U, Stahl W, Flachowsky G (2004) Investigations on water intake of fattening bulls. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 179
Investigations on water intake of dairy cows
Meyer U, Everinghoff M, Flachowsky G (2004) Investigations on water intake of dairy cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 176
Effects of an automatic milking system on feed intake as well as on milk yield and composition of high lactating cows
Spolders M, Meyer U, Flachowsky G (2004) Effects of an automatic milking system on feed intake as well as on milk yield and composition of high lactating cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 10: 212