Paulsen HM, Jumshudzade Z, Krol M, Jacobs L, Wezel L van, Colombijn-van der Wende K, Heining N, Roels J, Demeyer A, Meulemeester P, Lambrecht E, Coopman F, Kürsten E, Sletsjoee M, Sundet H (2022) The awareness of carbon farming in the agricultural sector, possible and used techniques and business approaches in the North Sea region : short report of two surveys (2019 and 2021) - with data attachment [online]. Interreg North Sea Region, 91 p, zu finden in [zitiert am 02.05.2022]
Demeyer A, Roels J, Krol M, Heiningen N, Kroeijer Jde, Kürsten E, Lambrecht E, Paulsen HM, Sletsjoee M, Wezel L van (2022) Valorisation of local carbon farming practices : presentation of the show cases in the Carbon Farming project : final report [online]. Interreg North Sea Region, 54 p, zu finden in [zitiert am 13.10.2022]