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Verlag: Braunschweig; FAL
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Es wurden 2033 Ergebnisse in 5 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 1471 bis 1480 von 2033.
The fermentation quality of silage influenced by different additives
The effect of sugars released by enzymolysis on the fermentation of low dry matter grass
Hygienic problems in conserved forage
Digestibility and voluntary intake of conserved forage
The dry matter intake and liveweight gains of beef steers fed big bale silage ensiled with add-saFe silage additive or left untreated
A system for silage evaluation
Fundamental data and model for prediction of the course of the drying process in wilted crop production for silage and hay
Acetate silages : Microbiology and chemistry
Factors influencing epiphytic microflora on alfalfa and maize, and effects of silage additives on the microbial succession during the ensiling process
Dafosym : A model for evaluating forage conservation on North American dairy farms
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