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Effektivitätsmessung in der industriemäßigen Geflügelproduktion
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Formaldehyd als Gärfutterzusatz
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Die Anwendung von Silierhilfsmitteln
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Mit Hühnerkot die Rinder mästen?
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Efficiency of solarcollectors of different design and their application for drying of agricultural products : Proceedings 9th international congress of agricultural engineering of the CIGR
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Mechanization of irrigated crop production in arid and semiarid regions : Proceedings 9th international congress of agricultural engineering of the CIGR
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New systems for the land application of manure : Proceedings 9th international congress of agricultural engineering of the CIGR
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Heat recovery by heat pumps especially from biogenic oxidation processes : Proceedings 9th international congress of agricultural engineering of the CIGR
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Investigation of the combustion-characteristics of straw : Proceedings 9th international congress of agricultural engineering of the CIGR
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