FInAL - Facilitating insects in agricultural landscapes: co-designing transformation towards higher biodiversity and sustainable farming systems in landscape labs
Holzhauer SI, Häfner B, Busse M, Bartels A, Bethwell C, Beutnagel HK, Fick-Haas V, Gabriel D, Glemnitz M, Jaich A, Lettow N, Plaas E, Scharschmidt P, Thiele J, Trau FN, Wolfrum S, Dauber J (2023) FInAL - Facilitating insects in agricultural landscapes: co-designing transformation towards higher biodiversity and sustainable farming systems in landscape labs. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 44
Trade-offs and synergies of economic and ecological functions across oil palm systems
Wenzel A, Westphal C, Ballauff J, Berkelmann D, Brambach F, Buchori D, Camaretta N, Corre MD, Darras K, Erasmi S, Formaglio G, Hölscher D, Al-Amin Iddris N, Irawan B, Knohl A, Kotowska MM, Krashevska V, Kreft H, Mulyani Y, Mußhoff O, et al (2023) Trade-offs and synergies of economic and ecological functions across oil palm systems. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 148
Evaluating the ecological effectiveness of perennial wildflower strips
Kirmer A, Schmidt A, Schubert LF, Hellwig N, Dieker P, Tischew S (2023) Evaluating the ecological effectiveness of perennial wildflower strips. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 162
The diversity of soil biota processes, functions and ecosystem services in land use systems
Potthoff M, Schrader S (2021) The diversity of soil biota processes, functions and ecosystem services in land use systems. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 178
Bioregulation of Fusarium and its mycotoxins in maize residues by earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris)
Capelle C van, Meyer-Wolfarth F, Meiners T, Schrader S (2021) Bioregulation of Fusarium and its mycotoxins in maize residues by earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris). Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 179
Ecosystem services during earthworm-controlled litter decomposition in annual and perennial energy plants
Wöhl L, Schrader S (2021) Ecosystem services during earthworm-controlled litter decomposition in annual and perennial energy plants. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 180
How energy crops (maize, cup plant, and field grass) affect soil microarthropods and their decomposition services
Dioh Lobe P, Schrader S (2021) How energy crops (maize, cup plant, and field grass) affect soil microarthropods and their decomposition services. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 181
An agroecosystem living lab approach to facilitate insects in agricultural landscapes
Nürnberger F, Busse M, Eulenstein F, Golla B, Kretzschmar N, Rottstock T, Dauber J (2021) An agroecosystem living lab approach to facilitate insects in agricultural landscapes. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 300, DOI:10.24355/dbbs.084-202108120758-0
Effects of biodiversity measures on abundance of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) in agricultural landscapes assessed with a simulation modelling approach
Baden-Böhm F, Dauber J, Thiele J (2021) Effects of biodiversity measures on abundance of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) in agricultural landscapes assessed with a simulation modelling approach. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 313
Modeling hoverfly populations in landscapes with a new developed agent-based model
App M, Thiele J, Schröder B (2021) Modeling hoverfly populations in landscapes with a new developed agent-based model. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 263