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Zeitschrift: Plant and soil
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Es wurden 63 Ergebnisse in 6 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 63.
Evaluation of sulphur cycling in managed forest stands by means of stable S-isotope analysis
Temporal changes in soil microbial biomass carbon in an arable soil - consequences for soil sampling
A comparison of four methods for measuring roots of field crops in three contrasting soils
A comparison of four methods for measuring roots of field crops in three contrasting soils
Temporal changes in soil microbial biomass carbon in an arable soil : consequences for soil sampling
Isotope ratios and concentrations of sulphur and nitrogen in needles and soils of Picea abies stands as influenced by atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds
Callose formation as parameter for assessing genotypical plant tolerance of aluminium and manganese
The uptake of trace elements by spinach and bean varieties of different root parameters
Varietal differences in root phosphatase activity as related to the utilization of organic phosphates
Differences between cereal crop cultivars in root-associated nitrogen fixation, possible causes of variable yield response to seed inoculation
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