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Herausgeber: Forstner, Bernhard
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Es wurden 72 Ergebnisse in 9 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 61 bis 70 von 72.
Improving processing and marketing of agricultural products - organisation, problems and results of evaluation in Austria
Support to processing and marketing of agricultural products in Portugal
improving of processing and marketing of agricultural products - assessment of projects
Two approaches to evaluation - the case of the processing and marketing grant in England
Synthesis of the RDP mid-term evaluation in Germany (16 Länder) and EC 15 in 2005 - methodologies, possibilities, pitfalls and some selected results
Effectiveness and impacts of farm investment support in Spain - the experience of the updated med-term evaluation (2000-2006)
Implementation of farm investment support in Italy - mid-term analysis
Ex ante evaluations of rural development programmes - not just an appraisal
Programme evaluation of rural developments plans - purpose, approaches and exemplary results
Does complete field research build a good basis to evaluating the measure?
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