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Zeitschrift: Livestock production science
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Es wurden 28 Ergebnisse in 1 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 20 von 28.
Requirements of lactating dairy cows for leucine and methionine at the duodenum
Management of animal health emergencies / Eds: Murray, G. ; Thornber, G. M. - Paris : Office International des Épizooties, 1999. - 228 S. - Scientific and Technical Review ; 18(1). - ISBN 92-9044-468-X [Buchbesprechung]
Biotechnology in genetics and reproduction
Application of quantitative methods in veterinary epidemiology / J. P. T. M. Noordhuizen u.a. [Buchbesprechung]
Risk and economic consequences of contagious animal disease introduction / H. S. Horst. - Wageningen : Agricultural University [Buchbesprechung]
The covariance structure of growth traits in the Afrikaner beef population
The potential of immuno-neutralization of somatostatin for improving pig performance
Digestibility of nitrogen in sheep fed heat damaged protein
Developmental capacity of ovine zygotes following microinjection of hF8 cDNA
Crossbreeding effects in the development of the synthetic Black and White (SMR) dairy cattle in East Germany
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