Batsleer J, Lorance P, Albert OT, Barreau T, Baulier L, Biais G, Bleeker K, De Olivera JAA, Diez G, Ellis JR, Jakobsdottir K, Johnston G, Jung A, Junge C, Lemey L, Lleal W, Miethe T, Moura T, Rui Pinho M, Schaber M, et al (2021) Working Group on Elasmobranch Fishes (WGEF). Copenhagen: ICES, 822 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(59), DOI:10.17895/
Clarke M, Bonanomi S, Chatzispyrou A, Couperus B, Ellis JR, Fernandez R, Kavanagh A, Kingston A, Kousteni V, Lefkaditou E, Ojaveer H, Probst WN, Rindorf A, Sigurdsson G, Valeiras J, Vasconcelos R, Wennhage H (2021) Workshop on fish of conservation and bycatch relevance (WKCOFIBYC). Copenhagen: ICES, 125 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(57), DOI:10.17895/
Maar M, Hjollo SS, Leeuwen SM van, Myrseth Aarflot J, Akimova A, Almroth-Rosell E, Benkort D, Bossier S, Daewel U, Friedland R, Gao S, Hill-Cruz M, Ji R, Kempf A, Lehuta S, de Gamiz Zearra AL, Macias D, McGovern J, Askov Mousing E, Pastor A, et al (2021) Working Group on Integrative, Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM). Copenhagen: ICES, 62 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(73), DOI:10.17895/
Kelly C, Ball J, Bartolino V, Berg F, Berges B, Håkansson KB, Campbell N, Egan A, Hintzen NT, Ianelli J, Kempf A, Kvamme C, Mackinson S, Mosegaard H, Nash RDM, Pastoors MA, Pert C, Sparrevohn CR, Rohlf N, Trijoulet V, Damme CJG van (2021) Inter-Benchmark Protocol on North Sea Herring (IBPNSHerring 2021). Copenhagen: ICES, 168 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(98), DOI:10.17895/
Belgrano A, Lynam CP, Probst WN, Thompson M, Doyle A, Brind'Amour A, Beauchard O, Piet GJ, Schratzberger M, Jacob U, Eerkes-Medrano D, Somerfield PJ, Laffargue P, Fu C, Ellingsen K, Garcia C, Couce E, Clarke M, Artigas F, Salter I, et al (2021) Working Group on Biodiversity Science (WGBIODIV). Copenhagen: ICES, 57 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(79), DOI:10.17895/
Rindorf A, Arronte JC, Baldo F, Börjesson P, Calderwood J, Charisiadou S, Burgos MC, Eerkes-Medrano D, Goncalves P, Kavanagh A, Kempf J, Lefkaditou E, Lynam CP, Machado I, Mildenberger TK, Moura T, Probst WN, Reid D, Salvany L, Sys K, et al (2021) Workshop on the production of abundance estimates for sensitive species (WKABSENS). Copenhagen: ICES, 128 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(96), DOI:10.17895/
Håkansson KB, Prista N, Ball J, Chen C, Christman M, Clarke L, Currie D, de Groote A, Elson J, Fernandes AC, Fuglebakk E, Gerritsen HD, Teruel Gomez J, Kjems-Nielsen H, Krakowka K, Lino P, Meitern R, Millar C, Stötera S, Wischnewski J, et al (2021) Second workshop on estimation with the RDBES data model (WKRDB-EST2; outputs from 2020 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 128 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(15), DOI:10.17895/
Howell D, Aanestad Godiksen J, Berg E, Bernreuther M, Bogstad B, Casas JM, de Lange Wenneck T, Eriksen E, Fall J, Filin A, Gjoesaeter H, Hallfredsson EH, Höffle H, Johannesen E, Kovalev Y, Nedreaas K, Perryman HA, Prozorkevich D, Russkikh A, Seim SE, et al (2021) Arctic Fisheries Working Group (AFWG). Copenhagen: ICES, 817 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(58), DOI:10.17895/
Pohlmann J-D, Bryhn A, Sapounidis A, Svagzdys A, Taylor A, El Ganainy A, Fernandez-Delgado C, Durif CM, Briand C, Leone C, O’Leary C, Boulenger C, Belpaire C, Evans D, Hala E, Papnikolaou E, Ciccotti E, Marohn L, Freese M, Hanel R, et al (2021) Joint EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM Working Group on Eels (WGEEL). Copenhagen: ICES, 205 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(85), DOI:10.17895/
Biseau A, Diaz E, Beaulaton L, Boughaba J, Briand C, Cardinale M, Ciccotti E, Dekker W, Domingos I, Drouineau H, Durif CM, Evans D, van Gemert R, Gollock M, Van der Hammen T, Hanel R, Kaifu K, Janiak K, O’Leary C, Pohlmann J-D, et al (2021) Workshop on the future of eel advice (WKFEA). Copenhagen: ICES, 67 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(13), DOI:10.17895/