Genetic parameters of plumage condition in two experimental strains housed in an alternative system
Müller J, Mielenz N, Lengerken G von (1999) Genetic parameters of plumage condition in two experimental strains housed in an alternative system. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, pp 135-136
Reproductive performance of layer chickens after sex diagnosis from the fertilised egg
Klein S (1999) Reproductive performance of layer chickens after sex diagnosis from the fertilised egg. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, p 127
Hatch characteristics and development post hatch in laying hens
Klein S, Marx G (1999) Hatch characteristics and development post hatch in laying hens. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, p 128
Assessment of biodiversity in poultry with DNA markers
Weigend S (1999) Assessment of biodiversity in poultry with DNA markers. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, pp 7-14
Early poult flip-overs in two commercial turkey stocks differing in growth capacity
Heil G (1999) Early poult flip-overs in two commercial turkey stocks differing in growth capacity. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, pp 116-117
Biodiversity of chickens based on DNA pools : first results of the EC funded project AVIANDIV
Hillel J, Korol AB, Kirzner VM, Freidlin PJ, Weigend S, Barre-Dirie A, Groenen MAM, Crooijmans RPMA, Tixier-Boichard M, Vignal A, Wimmer K, Burke TA, Thomson P, Mäki-Tanila A, Flo K, Zhivotovski LA, Feldman MW (1999) Biodiversity of chickens based on DNA pools : first results of the EC funded project AVIANDIV. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, pp 22-29
Contribution of data on history, management and phenotype to the description of the diversity between chicken populations sampled within the AVIANDIV project
Tixier-Boichard M, Coquerelle B, Vilela-Lamego C, Weigend S, Barre-Dirie A, Groenen MAM, Crooijmans RPMA, Vignal A, Hillel J, Freidlin PJ, Wimmers K, Ponsuksili S, Burke T, Thomson P, Elo K, Maki-Tansila A, Baldane G, Baumgartner J, Benkova J, Bondarenko Y, et al (1999) Contribution of data on history, management and phenotype to the description of the diversity between chicken populations sampled within the AVIANDIV project. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, pp 15-21
Studies on poultry germplasm diversity and conservation in Ukraine
Romanov MN, Weigend S, Bondarenko YV, Podstreshny AP, Kutnyuk PI, Sakhatsky NI (1999) Studies on poultry germplasm diversity and conservation in Ukraine. In: Preisinger R (ed) Proceedings of the Poultry Genetics Symposium 6-8 October 1999 in Mariensee / Germany. Cuxhaven: Lohmann, p 139