Survey Report FRV Solea / German Acoustic Autumn Survey (GERAS): 04 - 23 October 2017
Schaber M, Gröhsler T (2018) Survey Report FRV Solea / German Acoustic Autumn Survey (GERAS): 04 - 23 October 2017. ICES WGIPS Rep 2018:202-232
Survey Report FRV Solea / German Acoustic Autumn Survey (GERAS): 04 - 23 October 2017
Schaber M, Gröhsler T (2018) Survey Report FRV Solea / German Acoustic Autumn Survey (GERAS): 04 - 23 October 2017. ICES WGBIFS Rep 2018:353-379
German herring and sprat fisheries & stock assessment data in the Baltic Sea in 2017
Gröhsler T (2018) German herring and sprat fisheries & stock assessment data in the Baltic Sea in 2017. ICES WGBFAS Report 2018:626-646
German herring fisheries & stock assessment data in the Western Baltic in 2017
Gröhsler T (2018) German herring fisheries & stock assessment data in the Western Baltic in 2017. ICES HAWG Rep 2018:854-867
2017 Western Baltic spring spawning herring recruitment monitored by the Rügen Herring Larvae Survey
Polte P, Gröhsler T (2018) 2017 Western Baltic spring spawning herring recruitment monitored by the Rügen Herring Larvae Survey. ICES HAWG Rep 2018:868-871
WD. 12 Application of the egg production method to estimate stock trends and spawning stock biomass
Köster F, Huwer B, Kraus G, Diekmann R, Eero M, Orey S, Dierking J, Margonski P, Oesterwind D, Herrmann JP, Tomkiewicz J, Makarchouk A (2018) WD. 12 Application of the egg production method to estimate stock trends and spawning stock biomass. ICES WKIDEBCA report 2018:1-3
Time series of the Ruegen Larval Herring N20 Index and potential reasons for a declining larval production
Polte P, Kotterba P, Moll D, Gröhsler T, Nordheim L von (2018) Time series of the Ruegen Larval Herring N20 Index and potential reasons for a declining larval production. In: ICES benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA 2018) : 12.-16.02.2018, Copenhagen. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 1-10
Regional report on West Greenland 2017
Cisewski B (2018) Regional report on West Greenland 2017. ICES WGOH Rep 2018:19-31