Automatically electronic process control and data-acquisition for the biomethanization of agricultural residues
Ahlers R (1990) Automatically electronic process control and data-acquisition for the biomethanization of agricultural residues. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 341-342
Economic and ecological optimization of farm chemical application by "Computer Aided Farming" (CAF)
Schnug E, Haneklaus S, Lamp J (1990) Economic and ecological optimization of farm chemical application by Computer Aided Farming (CAF). In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 163-164
Verwundbarkeit der Nahrungsmittelversorgung durch Spezialisierung und industrielle Verflechtung der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe
Haxsen G (1990) Verwundbarkeit der Nahrungsmittelversorgung durch Spezialisierung und industrielle Verflechtung der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe. In: Knies G (ed) Betriebsbedingung Frieden - Herausforderung der Hochtechnologiezivilisation für eine nachmilitärische Ära. Berlin
Feldversuche zur Ermittlung der Wasser-Ertragsbeziehung von Kartoffeln beim Einsatz verschiedener Bewässerungsverfahren in der Westtürkei
Hartmann H, Schäfer W, Sourell H (1990) Feldversuche zur Ermittlung der Wasser-Ertragsbeziehung von Kartoffeln beim Einsatz verschiedener Bewässerungsverfahren in der Westtürkei. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin
New harvesting system for dewretted flax
Dernedde W, Peters H, Sonnenberg H (1990) New harvesting system for dewretted flax. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 241-242
Motion studies as means to design ergonomic and safe access systems to farm vehicles
Hammer W, Schmalz UW (1990) Motion studies as means to design ergonomic and safe access systems to farm vehicles. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 360-361
Robotmilking development of a robot system and first experiments
Schillingmann D, Artmann R (1990) Robotmilking development of a robot system and first experiments. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 66-67
Biomethanation of solid residues from agriculture and agro-industry
Weiland P, Albin A, Ahlgrimm H-J (1990) Biomethanation of solid residues from agriculture and agro-industry. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 326-327
Field experiments on reaction of potatoes, soya, and corn towards irrication methods and water application depth
Schäfer W, Sourell H, Hartmann H (1990) Field experiments on reaction of potatoes, soya, and corn towards irrication methods and water application depth. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 104-105
Changes in agriculture and their consequences for agricultural engineering
Schön H (1990) Changes in agriculture and their consequences for agricultural engineering. In: AgEng Berlin '90 : international conference on agricultural engineering ; Berlin 24.-26. October 1990 ; technical papers and posters, abstracts. Berlin, pp 6-8