Kapitel 6.10: Holzprodukte (4.G)
Rüter S (2018) Kapitel 6.10: Holzprodukte (4.G). Climate Change 2018/12:668-672
Kapitel 11: Ergänzende Informationen wie nach Artikel 7, Absatz 1 des Kyoto-Protokolls gefordert
Stümer W, Gensior A, Laggner A, Rüter S, Dunger K, Steuk J, Brötz J, Döring U (2018) Kapitel 11: Ergänzende Informationen wie nach Artikel 7, Absatz 1 des Kyoto-Protokolls gefordert. Climate Change 2018/12:761-795
Chapter 6.10: Harvested wood products (4.G)
Rüter S (2018) Chapter 6.10: Harvested wood products (4.G). Climate Change 2018/13:660-664
Chapter 11: Supplementary information required under article 7, paragraph 1 of the Kyoto Protocol
Stümer W, Gensior A, Laggner A, Rüter S, Dunger K, Steuk J, Brötz J, Döring U (2018) Chapter 11: Supplementary information required under article 7, paragraph 1 of the Kyoto Protocol. Climate Change 2018/13:751-784
Chapter 6.1: Overview (CRF Sector 4)
Freibauer A, Gensior A, Dunger K, Stümer W (2017) Chapter 6.1: Overview (CRF Sector 4). Climate Change 2017/14:507-540
Chapter 6.2: Land-use definitions and land-use classification systems, and their reflection in the LULUCF categories
Freibauer A, Gensior A, Laggner A, Laggner B, Riedel T, Stümer W, Brötz J, Dunger K (2017) Chapter 6.2: Land-use definitions and land-use classification systems, and their reflection in the LULUCF categories. Climate Change 2017/14:540-563
Chapter 6.4: Forest land (4.A)
Dunger K, Stümer W, Riedel T, Brötz J, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K (2017) Chapter 6.4: Forest land (4.A). Climate Change 2017/14:563-600
Chapter 6.5: Cropland (4.B)
Freibauer A, Gensior A, Laggner A (2017) Chapter 6.5: Cropland (4.B). Climate Change 2017/14:600-644
Chapter 6.10: Harvested wood products (4.G)
Rüter S (2017) Chapter 6.10: Harvested wood products (4.G). Climate Change 2017/14:644-648
Chapter 6.11: Other areas (4.H)
Freibauer A, Gensior A, Laggner A (2017) Chapter 6.11: Other areas (4.H). Climate Change 2017/14: 648