Osterburg B (ed) (2003) Seminar 1: Good Farming Practice - Definitions, Implementation, Experiences : seminar background, programme and handouts of the presentations ; 2-3 June 2003, Braunschweig, Germany ; EU concerted action Developing Cross Compliance in the EU - background, lessons and opportunities. Braunschweig: FAL, 13 p
Mehl P (2003) Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung: Entwurf eines Haushaltsbegleitgesetzes 2004 (Haushaltsbegleitgesetz 2004 - HBeglG 2004) : Stellungnahme zu Artikel 13, Änderung des Zweiten Gesetzes über die Krankenversicherung der Landwirte aus Anlass der öffentlichen Anhörung des Haushaltsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlin, 8. Oktober 2003. Braunschweig: FAL, 14 p
Bergschmidt A, Nitsch H, Osterburg B (eds) (2003) Good farming practice - definitions, implementation, experiences : report on the results of work package 2 within the EU concerted action Developing cross-compliance in the EU - background, lessons and opportunities, including an European seminar 2-3 June 2003, Braunschweig, Germany. Braunschweig: FAL, 104 p
Nitsch H (2003) Good farming practice - definitions, implementation, experiences : report on the results of work package 2 within the EU concerted action Developing cross-compliance in the EU - background, lessons and opportunities, including an European seminar 2-3 June 2003, Braunschweig, Germany ; Annex II A: Country report Austria. Braunschweig: FAL, 7 p
Nitsch H (2003) Good farming practice - definitions, implementation, experiences : report on the results of work package 2 within the EU concerted action Developing cross-compliance in the EU - background, lessons and opportunities, including an European seminar 2-3 June 2003, Braunschweig, Germany ; Annex II B: Country report Bulgaria. Braunschweig: FAL, 4 p
Nitsch H (2003) Good farming practice - definitions, implementation, experiences : report on the results of work package 2 within the EU concerted action Developing cross-compliance in the EU - background, lessons and opportunities, including an European seminar 2-3 June 2003, Braunschweig, Germany ; Annex II F: Country report Estonia. Braunschweig: FAL, 7 p
In-depth review of the outputs of DEFRA's programme of research on the measurement and control of ammonia emissions from agriculture (1998-2002) : final project report
Dämmgen U (2003) In-depth review of the outputs of DEFRA's programme of research on the measurement and control of ammonia emissions from agriculture (1998-2002) : final project report. Braunschweig: FAL, 19 p
Isermeyer F (2003) Impact of the Commission proposal on decoupling : summary. Braunschweig: FAL, 6 p, Working Paper Inst Farm Economics Rural Studies Braunschweig 03/01
Abschlußbericht zum BMBF-Vorhaben "Biologische Behandlung von Problemabfällen und -abwässern : Begleitforschung im Rahmen der Demonstrationsanlage am Schlachthof Cakung/Jakarta ; FKZ 0319179D, Laufzeit: 1. Oktober 1997 - 31. März 2003
Schuchardt F (2003) Abschlußbericht zum BMBF-Vorhaben Biologische Behandlung von Problemabfällen und -abwässern : Begleitforschung im Rahmen der Demonstrationsanlage am Schlachthof Cakung/Jakarta ; FKZ 0319179D, Laufzeit: 1. Oktober 1997 - 31. März 2003. Braunschweig: FAL, 81 p
The need for a worldwide standard for the networking of computers in an intra-farm-system
Artmann R (2003) The need for a worldwide standard for the networking of computers in an intra-farm-system. Braunschweig: FAL, 6 p