Impact Assessment of Baltic cod multi-annual plans (STECF 11-07)
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Potential EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Impact Assessment : Volume 1: Main results
Burrell AM, Ferrari E, González Mellado AA, Himics M, Michalek J, Shrestha S, Doorslaer B van (2011) Potential EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Impact Assessment : Volume 1: Main results. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 136 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep, DOI:10.2791/66155
The importance of non-tariff measures for African agricultural and food trade to the EU : evidence from selected countries
González Mellado AA, M'Barek R, Nii-Naate Z, Goncalves N, Spinoglio M (2011) The importance of non-tariff measures for African agricultural and food trade to the EU : evidence from selected countries. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 90 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep, DOI:10.2791/69743