Special issue of Organic Agriculture - Organic 3.0
Rasmussen IA, Rahmann G, Loes A K (2017) Special issue of Organic Agriculture - Organic 3.0. Organic Agric 7(3):165-167, DOI:10.1007/s13165-017-0190-x
Effect of six 100 % organic feeding strategies differing in external input demand on animal performance and production costs of piglets before and after weaning
Baldinger L, Bussemas R, Höinghaus K, Renger A, Weißmann F (2017) Effect of six 100 % organic feeding strategies differing in external input demand on animal performance and production costs of piglets before and after weaning. Organic Agric 7(3):267-279, DOI:10.1007/s13165-016-0157-3
Organic Agriculture 3.0 is innovation with research
Rahmann G, Ardakani MR, Bàrberi P, Böhm H, Canali S, Chander M, David M, Dengel L, Erisman JW, Galvis-Martinez AC, Hamm U, Kahl J, Köpke U, Kühne S, Lee SB, Loes A K, Moos JH, Neuhoff D, Nuutila JJ, Oppermann R, et al (2017) Organic Agriculture 3.0 is innovation with research. Organic Agric 7(3):169-197, DOI:10.1007/s13165-016-0171-5
Research strategy of the German Agricultural Research Alliance (DAFA) for the development of the organic farming and food sector in Germany
Hamm U, Häring AM, Hülsbergen KJ, Isermeyer F, Lange S, Niggli U, Rahmann G, Horn S (2017) Research strategy of the German Agricultural Research Alliance (DAFA) for the development of the organic farming and food sector in Germany. Organic Agric(7):225-242, DOI:10.1007/s13165-017-0187-5