Forest condition in Europe : 2016 technical report of ICP Forests ; Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)
Michel AK, Seidling W (eds) (2016) Forest condition in Europe : 2016 technical report of ICP forests ; Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). Wien: BFW Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald, 206 p, BFW Dokum 23/2016
The monitoring and research infrastructure of ICP forests
Seidling W (2016) The monitoring and research infrastructure of ICP forests. BFW Dokum 23/2016:11-19
Forest condition in Europe : 2015 technical report of ICP Forests ; report under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP)
Michel AK, Seidling W (eds) (2015) Forest condition in Europe : 2015 technical report of ICP Forests ; report under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). Wien: Bundesforschungszentrum Wald, 182 p, BFW Dokum 21/2015
Michel AK, Seidling W (2015) Introduction. BFW Dokum 21/2015: 6
The monitoring system of ICP Forests
Seidling W, Michel AK (2015) The monitoring system of ICP Forests. BFW Dokum 21/2015:7-11
Tree crown condition and damage causes
Seidling W, Trotzer S, Sanders TGM, Timmermann V, Potocic N, Michel AK (2015) Tree crown condition and damage causes. BFW Dokum 21/2015:12-49
Relationships between defoliation of forest trees and modelled nitrogen deposition
Seidling W, Haelbich H, Sanders TGM (2015) Relationships between defoliation of forest trees and modelled nitrogen deposition. BFW Dokum 21/2015:50-60
Spatial variation of deposition in Europe in 2013
Fischer U, Sanders TGM (2015) Spatial variation of deposition in Europe in 2013. BFW Dokum 21/2015:67-78
Becher G, Waldner P, Hansen K, Fischer R, Lorenz M, Seidling W (2014) Sulphate and nitrogen deposition to forests and trend analyses. Thünen Working Paper 19:55-64
Lorenz M, Granke O (2014) The monitoring system. Thünen Working Paper 19:6-9