Economic impact of mixed fisheries options (STECF-18-05)
Prellezo R, Guillen J, Pinto C, Andres M, Avdic E, Bastardie F, Brigaudeau C, Carmona I, Hamon K, Macher C, Muench A, Rodgers P, Simons SL, Taylor MH, Dar-Rocha JM, Ulrich C, Abella JA, Andersen J, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2018) Economic impact of mixed fisheries options (STECF-18-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 79 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/9962
Fisheries Dependent Information - New FDI (STECF-18-11)
Vanhee W, Motova A, Zanzi A, Adamowicz M, Cano S, Carlshamre S, Casey J, Castro J, Demaneche S, Dixon S, Egekvist J, Gibin M, Godinho S, Isajlovic I, Jakovleva I, Kempf A, Kovsars M, Mannini A, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2018) Fisheries Dependent Information - New FDI (STECF-18-11). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 256 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/696153
Economic report of the EU fish processing sector 2017 (STECF-17-16)
Döring R, Guillen J, Carvalho N, Ulrich C, Abella JA, Andersen J, Arrizabalaga H, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Borges L, Stransky C, Avdelas L, Avdic E, Burman C, Carvalho N, Contini F, et al (2018) Economic report of the EU fish processing sector 2017 (STECF-17-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 306 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep