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Zeitschrift: Polar biology
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Es wurden 22 Ergebnisse in 12 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 11 bis 20 von 22.
Interactions between cetacean and fisheries in the Southern Ocean
Antarctic icefishes (Channichthyidae): a unique family of fishes : a review ; part 2
Antarctic icefishes (Channichthyidae): a unique family of fishes : a review ; part 1
Distribution and population dynamics of Euphausia superba : summary of recent findings
Krill (Euphausia superba) recruitment indices from the Western Antarctic Peninsula: are they representative of larger regions?
Beak length analysis of the Southern Ocean squid Psychroteuthis glacialis (Cephalopoda: Psychroteuthidae) and its use for size and biomass estimation
The composition of the coastal fish fauna around Elephant Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)
Krill (Euphausia superba) density, proportional and absolute recruitment and biomass in the Elephant Island region (Antarctic peninsula) during the period 1977 to 1997
Community structure of the epipelagic zooplankton community under the sea-ice of the northern Weddell Sea
Distribution, size frequencies and maturity stages of krill, Euphausia superba, in relation to sea-ice in the northern Weddell Sea
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