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Zeitschrift: Journal of applied ichthyology
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Es wurden 40 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 40.
Estimation of the catchability of redfish and blue whiting for survey trawls in the Norwegian Sea
Into the future: a paradigm shift in policies, management and research priorities
Seasonal maturity development of Baltic cod in different spawning areas : importance of the Arkona Sea for the summer spawning stock
Differentiation of western and eastern Baltic Sea cod stocks (Gadus morhua) by means of stable isotope ratios in muscles and otoliths
Occurrence of Norway bullhead (Micrenophrys lilljeborgi, Collett, 1875) in the southeastern North Sea
The potential fecundity of cod in the Baltic Sea from 1993 to 1999
Species and length composition of fish in the southwestern Baltic Sea
An assessment of the biomass production theory in the Baltic Sea using fish landings data
Description of growth by simple versus complex models for Baltic Sea spring spawning herring
Comparative analysis of alternative statistical models for differentiation of herring stocks based on meristic characters
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