Application of in vitro techniques for screening plant genetic variability
Mix G (1990) Application of in vitro techniques for screening plant genetic variability. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:339-343
A method for investigating the influence of soil water potential on yield and water use efficiency of some spring wheat cultivars
Sommer C, Schwarz M (1990) A method for investigating the influence of soil water potential on yield and water use efficiency of some spring wheat cultivars. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:325-329
Factors affecting the nutrient efficiency of plants
Sauerbeck D, Helal M (1990) Factors affecting the nutrient efficiency of plants. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:11-17
Screening soybean for aluminium tolerance and adaptation to acid soils
Horst WJ, Klotz F (1990) Screening soybean for aluminium tolerance and adaptation to acid soils. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:355-360
Differences between cereal crop cultivars in root-associated nitrogen fixation, possible causes of variable yield response to seed inoculation
Jagnow G (1990) Differences between cereal crop cultivars in root-associated nitrogen fixation, possible causes of variable yield response to seed inoculation. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:391-395
Biochemical techniques for genotype characterization
Rühl G, Standke K-H, Marmulla K (1990) Biochemical techniques for genotype characterization. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:291-298
Genotypic variation in plant productivity and consequences for breeding of low-input cultivars
Dambroth M, El Bassam N (1990) Genotypic variation in plant productivity and consequences for breeding of low-input cultivars. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:1-7
Genetic aspects of plant mineral nutrition
El Bassam N, Dambroth M, Loughman BC (eds) (1990) Genetic aspects of plant mineral nutrition. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Kluwer, XI, 558 p, Dev Plant Soil Sci 42
A method to estimate the prospect of specific breeding for nutrient efficiency
Schinkel B, Mechelke W (1990) A method to estimate the prospect of specific breeding for nutrient efficiency. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:449-456
Buckwheat : a low input plant
Kreft I, Luthar Z (1990) Buckwheat : a low input plant. Dev Plant Soil Sci 42:497-499