Methodological Briefs : Deliverable Report D6.4
Schwarz G, Carolus JF, Irvine K, Miller D, Smyrniotopoulou A, Vlahos G, Povellato A, Vanni F, Prazan J, Fleury P, Guisepelli E, Vincent A, Landert J, Albanito F, Röös E, Cazacu M, Fratila M (2021) Methodological Briefs : Deliverable Report D6.4. UNISECO project, 56 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5555079
Report on Key Barriers of Agro-ecological Farming Systems in Europe and Co-constructed Strategies : Deliverable Report D3.4
Schwarz G, Prazan J, Landert J, Miller D, Vanni F, Carolus JF, Weisshaidinger R, Bartel-Kratochvil R, Mayer A, Frick R, Hrabalová A, Linares Quero A, Iragui U, Astrain Massa C, Helin J, Huismann D, Guisepelli E, Fleury P, Vincent A, Smyrniotopoulou A, et al (2021) Report on Key Barriers of Agro-ecological Farming Systems in Europe and Co-constructed Strategies : Deliverable Report D3.4. UNISECO project, 126 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5549542
Integrated Sustainability Assessment in a Transdisciplinary Perspective : Deliverable Report D6.2
Vanni F, Schwarz G, Miller D, Helin J, Prazan J (2021) Integrated Sustainability Assessment in a Transdisciplinary Perspective : Deliverable Report D6.2. UNISECO project, 28 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5555090
Updated Story Maps on Lessons Learnt from each Case Study : Deliverable Report D3.6
Landert J, Schwarz G, Cazacu M, Prazan J, Helin J, Weisshaidinger R, Bartel-Kratochvil R, Mayer A, Hrabalová A, Guisepelli E, Fleury P, Vincent A, Carolus JF, Smyrniotopoulou A, Vlahos G, Balazs K, Szilagyi A, Podmaniczky L, Gava O, Povellato A, et al (2021) Updated Story Maps on Lessons Learnt from each Case Study : Deliverable Report D3.6. UNISECO project, 15 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5576192
Issue Briefs for Practitioners and Policy-Makers : Deliverable Report D6.5
Cazacu M, Balazs K, Schwarz G, Miller D (2021) Issue Briefs for Practitioners and Policy-Makers : Deliverable Report D6.5. UNISECO project, 11 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5557052
Supporting advice, education and lifelong learning to promote agroecological transitions
Schwarz G, Prazan J, Landert J, Miller D, Vanni F (2021) Supporting advice, education and lifelong learning to promote agroecological transitions. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5009012
Recommendations for future research needs and actions to enhance agro-ecological transitions
Schwarz G, Miller D, Smith P, Balazs K, Ruskute E (2021) Recommendations for future research needs and actions to enhance agro-ecological transitions. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4964098
Operation of a Multi-Actor Platform in a transdisciplinary project focused on agro-ecological transitions
Miller D, Smyrniotopoulou A, Irvine K, Vlahos G, Schwarz G, Budniok M-A (2021) Operation of a Multi-Actor Platform in a transdisciplinary project focused on agro-ecological transitions. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4980160
Förderung von Wissensnetzwerken für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Niedersachsen
Carolus JF, Polaschegg M, Schwarz G (2021) Förderung von Wissensnetzwerken für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft in Niedersachsen. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4766246
Marktimpulse für eine gesteigerte Wertschöpfung durch agrarökologische Praktiken im marktorientierten Ackerbau
Carolus JF, Polaschegg M, Schwarz G (2021) Marktimpulse für eine gesteigerte Wertschöpfung durch agrarökologische Praktiken im marktorientierten Ackerbau. UNISECO project, 2 p, Policy Brief, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4803335