Chemical composition, course of fermentation, in-vivo digestibility and in-situ measurements in grass silage treated with pioneer 1188 brand silage inoculant and a control
Potthast V, Kleinmans J (1991) Chemical composition, course of fermentation, in-vivo digestibility and in-situ measurements in grass silage treated with pioneer 1188 brand silage inoculant and a control. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:334-337
The effect of maxgrass silage additive on level of concentrate supplementation on intake and performance of finishing beef cattle
Kennedy SJ, Carson T (1991) The effect of maxgrass silage additive on level of concentrate supplementation on intake and performance of finishing beef cattle. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:396-399
Quality of grass silage depending on epiphytic lactic acid bacteria
Müller T, Fehrmann E, Seyfarth W, Knabe O (1991) Quality of grass silage depending on epiphytic lactic acid bacteria. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:297-300
Ensiling and feeding whole-crop fodder beet
O'Kiely P, Moloney AP, Meagher J (1991) Ensiling and feeding whole-crop fodder beet. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:269-272
Effect of cellulase treatment on the fermentation and digestibility of alfalfa silage fed to swine
Baintner F, Joo E, Kaszas I (1991) Effect of cellulase treatment on the fermentation and digestibility of alfalfa silage fed to swine. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:319-323
Revival ability of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria after storage in concentrated salt solutions of aliphatic fatty acids
Kalzendorf C, Kwella M, Weißbach F (1991) Revival ability of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria after storage in concentrated salt solutions of aliphatic fatty acids. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:273-282
Clostridial spore content of silages and influence of air contact
Kwella M, Weißbach F (1991) Clostridial spore content of silages and influence of air contact. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:447-450
In-sacco degradability and dry matter intake of urea and NaOH treated silages
Flachowsky G, Baldeweg P (1991) In-sacco degradability and dry matter intake of urea and NaOH treated silages. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:388-391
Results of testing chemical preservatives
Reuter B, Weißbach F (1991) Results of testing chemical preservatives. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:338-341
The efficacy of a biological silage additive for beef production
Thomas C, Dewhurst R, Laird R (1991) The efficacy of a biological silage additive for beef production. Landbauforsch Völkenrode SH 123:414-415