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Verlag: Frankfurt a. M.; DLG-Verl.
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Es wurden 344 Ergebnisse in 3 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 151 bis 160 von 344.
Influence of a voluntary milking system (VMS) on milk yield and milk composition as compared to a conventional tandem milking parlour
In vitro digestibility of wheat straw after fermentation with wood-decaying fungi
Effects of Fusarium contaminated wheat and of a detoxifying agent on performance of growing bulls and on carry over of zearalenone
Effect of ruminal administration of carnitine on duodenal carnitine flow in dairy cows
Nutritional assessment of silages from two different maize hybrids
Influence of diet and feeding technique on growing, feed conversion and carcass composition for fast and slow-growing broiler chickens
Nutritional assessment of feeds from genetically modified (GM) crops
Influence of the sampling-technique of rumen fluid on the volatile fatty acid (VFA) content in rumen fluid of dairy cows
Rumen physiological parameters in wethers in response to Fusarium toxin contaminated wheat and a detoxifying agent
Effects of different concentrations of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in diets for prepubertal female pigs : preliminary results
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