Research report from the German Baltic Acoustic Spring Survey (GerBaASS) on board of the R.V. "Walther Herwig III" (Cruise no. 354, 02.05. – 22.05.2012)
Böttcher U (2013) Research report from the German Baltic Acoustic Spring Survey (GerBaASS) on board of the R.V. Walther Herwig III (Cruise no. 354, 02.05. – 22.05.2012). In: Report of the Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS) : Annex 8: Cruise reports of acoustic surveys BASS and BIAS in 2012. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 219-234
Report on the eel stock and fishery in Germany 2012
Wysujack K (2013) Report on the eel stock and fishery in Germany 2012. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ed) Report of the Joint EIFAAC/ICES Working Group on Eels (WGEEL), 18–22 March 2013 in Sukarrieta, Spain, 4–10 September 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark : ICES CM 2013/ACOM:18. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 405-439
CPUE Index for German commercial tuning fleet (side trawlers), 1995-2012
Miethe T, Krumme U (2013) CPUE Index for German commercial tuning fleet (side trawlers), 1995-2012. In: Report of the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS): 10-17 April 2013; Working Document 2. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 728-734
Exploration of different assessment units
Gröhsler T, Neuenfeldt S (2013) Exploration of different assessment units. In: Report of the benchmark workshop on Baltic multispecies assessments (WKBALT): 4-8 February 2013. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 249-265
Exploration of XSA settings
Gröhsler T (2013) Exploration of XSA settings. In: Report of the benchmark workshop on Baltic multispecies assessments (WKBALT): 4-8 February 2013. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 314-331
Exploration of new M values derived from SMS
Gröhsler T, Neuenfeldt S (2013) Exploration of new M values derived from SMS. In: Report of the benchmark workshop on Baltic multispecies assessments (WKBALT): 4-8 February 2013. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 332-344
Assessment input database
Gröhsler T (2013) Assessment input database. In: Report of the benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 417-437
Applicability of the Separation Function (SF) in 2011 and 2012
Oeberst R, Gröhsler T, Schaber M, Larson N (2013) Applicability of the Separation Function (SF) in 2011 and 2012. In: Report of the Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS) : 20-25 March 2013. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 399-405
Implementation of the Stock Separation Function (SF) on German commercial landings
Gröhsler T, Oeberst R, Schaber M (2013) Implementation of the Stock Separation Function (SF) on German commercial landings. In: Report of the benchmark workshop on pelagic stocks (WKPELA): 4-8 February 2013. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 379-386
Survey Report for FRV "Solea" 2-21 October 2012
Schaber M, Gröhsler T (2013) Survey Report for FRV Solea 2-21 October 2012. In: Report of the Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS) : Annex 8: Cruise reports of acoustic surveys BASS and BIAS in 2012. Copenhagen: ICES, pp 266-289