Microbial induced nitrous oxide emissions from an arable soil during winter
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Nitrous oxide release from arable soil : importance of n-fertilization, crops and temporal variation
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Interactive effects of pH and substrate quality on the fungal-to-bacterial ration and QCO2 of microbial communities in forest soils
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Nitrous oxide emissions and denitrification N-losses from forest soils in the Bornhöved Lake region (Northern Germany)
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Influence of earthworm activity on the abundance of collembola in soil
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The relationship between SIR and FE estimates of microbial biomass C in deciduous forest soils at different pH
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Effects of heavy metal stress on the metabolic quotient of the soil microflora
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Microbial biomass content, basal respiration and enzyme activities during the course of decomposition of leaf litter in a black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) forest
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Soil microbial properties and the assessment of available soil organic matter in a haplic Luvisol after several years of different cultivation and crop rotation
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Soil microbial biomass and microbial acitivity in soils treated with heavy metal contaminated sewage sludge
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