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Kammann U, Koske D, Schmidt N (2021) Investigations on the importance of contamination from dumped munitions in the Baltic Sea for bottom-dwelling fish species. Bremerhaven: Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/06a, DOI:10.3220/PB1613387762000
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Welling J, Cibis J, Haag V, Olbrich A, Koch G, Richter H-G, Helmling S, Fey AJ-W, Lüdtke J (2021) Developing competences for the Peruvian forestry and woodworking sector : contribution to the environmental objectives of Peru - ProAmbiente II. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of Wood Research, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/23a, DOI:10.3220/PB1607003887000
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Bergmann E, Bender J (2021) Stickstoff und Klimawandel verändern die Auswirkungen von Ozon auf die Vegetation. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Biodiversität, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/13, DOI:10.3220/PB1618832963000
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Haenel H-D, Rösemann C (2021) Update and improvement of GAS-EM modules for calculating emissions from animal husbandry. Braunschweig: Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/03a, DOI:10.3220/PB1610966043000
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