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Verlag: Braunschweig; FAL
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Es wurden 2033 Ergebnisse in 10 Millisekunden gefunden.
Zeige Ergebnisse 151 bis 160 von 2033.
Regional absorption capacity of farm investment support in Poland
The experience of the evaluation of farm investment support in Greece
The analysis of chenges in fram investment support polica in Poland after joining the European Union
Impact analysis of investment support for agricultural buildings in Switzerland
Improving processing and marketing of agricultural products - organisation, problems and results of evaluation in Austria
Support to processing and marketing of agricultural products in Portugal
improving of processing and marketing of agricultural products - assessment of projects
Two approaches to evaluation - the case of the processing and marketing grant in England
Synthesis of the RDP mid-term evaluation in Germany (16 Länder) and EC 15 in 2005 - methodologies, possibilities, pitfalls and some selected results
Effectiveness and impacts of farm investment support in Spain - the experience of the updated med-term evaluation (2000-2006)
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