Localization of the fertilized germinal disc in the chicken egg prior to incubation
Klein S, Rokitta M, Baulain U, Thielebein J, Haase A, Ellendorff F (2002) Localization of the fertilized germinal disc in the chicken egg prior to incubation. Poultry Sci 81(4):529-536
Effect of addition of a detoxyfying agent to laying hen diets containing uncontaminated or fusarium toxin-contaminated maize on performance of hens and on carryover of zearalenone
Dänicke S, Ueberschär K-H, Halle I, Matthes S, Valenta H, Flachowsky G (2002) Effect of addition of a detoxyfying agent to laying hen diets containing uncontaminated or fusarium toxin-contaminated maize on performance of hens and on carryover of zearalenone. Poultry Sci 81(11):1671-1680
Effects of glucagon and insulin on plasma glucose, triglyceride, and triglyceride-rich lipoprotein concentration in laying hens fed diets containing different types of fat
Pal L, Großmann R, Dublecz K, Husvéth F, Wagner L, Bartos A (2002) Effects of glucagon and insulin on plasma glucose, triglyceride, and triglyceride-rich lipoprotein concentration in laying hens fed diets containing different types of fat. Poultry Sci 81(11):1694-1702
Effects of avian leukosis virus infection genotype, reciprocal mating, and MHC on resistance to Marek's Disease virus in an F2 White Leghorn cross
Weigend S, Matthes S, Soelkner H, Lamont SJ (2001) Effects of avian leukosis virus infection genotype, reciprocal mating, and MHC on resistance to Marek's Disease virus in an F2 White Leghorn cross. Poultry Sci 80:1064-1072
Resistance to Marek's disease virus in white leghorn chicken : effects of avian leukosis virus infection genotype, reciprocal mating, and major histocompatibility complex
Weigend S, Matthes S, Sölker J, Lamont SJ (2001) Resistance to Marek's disease virus in white leghorn chicken : effects of avian leukosis virus infection genotype, reciprocal mating, and major histocompatibility complex. Poultry Sci 80:1064-1072
Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers
Romanov MN, Weigend S (2001) Analysis of genetic relationships between various populations of domestic and jungle fowl using microsatellite markers. Poultry Sci 80:1057-1063
Candidate gene promoter polymorphisms and antibody response kinetics in chickens : interferon-gamma, interleukin-2, and immunoglobulin light chain
Zhou H, Buitenhuis AJ, Weigend S, Lamont SJ (2001) Candidate gene promoter polymorphisms and antibody response kinetics in chickens : interferon-gamma, interleukin-2, and immunoglobulin light chain. Poultry Sci 80(12):1679-1689
Analysis of MHC class II and class IV restriction fragment length polymorphism in chicken lines divergently selected for multitrait immune response
Weigend S, Lamont SJ (1999) Analysis of MHC class II and class IV restriction fragment length polymorphism in chicken lines divergently selected for multitrait immune response. Poultry Sci 78(7):973-982
Effects of dietary fat type and xylanase supplementation to rye-based broiler diets on selected bacterial groups adhering to the intestinal epithelium, on transit time of feed, and on nutrient digestibility
Dänicke S, Vahjen W, Simon O, Jeroch H (1999) Effects of dietary fat type and xylanase supplementation to rye-based broiler diets on selected bacterial groups adhering to the intestinal epithelium, on transit time of feed, and on nutrient digestibility. Poultry Sci 78:1292-1299
Application of a non-linear regression function for curve approximation to evaluate the kinetics of antibody response to vaccines in chicken lines divergently selected for multitrait immune response
Weigend S, Mielenz N, Lamont SJ (1997) Application of a non-linear regression function for curve approximation to evaluate the kinetics of antibody response to vaccines in chicken lines divergently selected for multitrait immune response. Poultry Sci 76(9):1248-1255