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Zwischenbericht 2011: Pilotstudie zur Dokumentation von Seevogel und Meeressäugerbeifängen in der Stellnetzfischerei der Fischereigenossenschaft Freest im Gebiet um Rügen
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Protocol for German age determination of sprat in the Baltic Sea
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Studies related to the conversion factors
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Use of otholith parameters and total length for supporting the ageing process of Baltic cod
Oeberst R (2004) Use of otholith parameters and total length for supporting the ageing process of Baltic cod. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 11 p
Estimation of daily growth parameters of larval spring-spawned herring in the Greifswalder Bodden using two independent methods
Oeberst R, Klenz B (2003) Estimation of daily growth parameters of larval spring-spawned herring in the Greifswalder Bodden using two independent methods. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 3 p
Optimal size of units for allocating hauls of Baltic International Trawl Survey
Oeberst R (2003) Optimal size of units for allocating hauls of Baltic International Trawl Survey. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 10 p