Physiological aspects of welfare in piglets
Ladewig J (1987) Physiological aspects of welfare in piglets. In: Marx D, Grauvogl A, Smidt D (eds) Welfare aspects of pig rearing : EC seminar held on 18 and 19 September 1986 in Mariensee. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp 120-126
Physiological results of welfare research in fattening bulls
Ladewig J (1987) Physiological results of welfare research in fattening bulls. In: Schlichting MC, Smidt D (eds) Welfare aspects of housing systems for veal calves and fattening bulls : EC seminar held on 16 and 17 September 1986 in Mariensee. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp 123-129
Soil conservation by reduced tillage
Sommer C (1987) Soil conservation by reduced tillage. In: Bäumer K, Ehlers W (eds) Energy saving by reduced soil tillage : Proceedings of a workshop held in Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany, on 10 and 11 June 1987. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp 17-28
Present situation of the modern protein systems : Germany
Rohr K (1987) Present situation of the modern protein systems : Germany. In: Jarrige R, Alderman G (eds) Agriculture : feed evaluation and protein requirement systems for ruminants : a seminar in the Community programme for the coordination of agricultural research held in Brussels, 25 to 27 June 1986. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp 3-10
Prediction of NAN flow to the intestines
Rohr K, Lebzien P (1987) Prediction of NAN flow to the intestines. In: Jarrige R, Alderman G (eds) Agriculture : feed evaluation and protein requirement systems for ruminants : a seminar in the Community programme for the coordination of agricultural research held in Brussels, 25 to 27 June 1986. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp 145-157
The role of white clover on permanent grassland
Dyckmans A (1987) The role of white clover on permanent grassland. In: Miró-Granada Gelabert L (ed) Pasture improvement : workshop on pasture improvement, Madrid, Spain 22 - 24 April 1987. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, p 13
Endocrine aspects of suckling amd milk ejection in relation to welfare
Ellendorff F (1987) Endocrine aspects of suckling amd milk ejection in relation to welfare. In: Marx D, Grauvogl A, Smidt D (eds) Welfare aspects of pig rearing : EC seminar held on 18 and 19 September 1986 in Mariensee. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp 127-131