Effects of two weaning and separation methods on milk yield of dams nursing their calf
Barth K, Vogt A, König von Borstel U, Waiblinger S (2021) Effects of two weaning and separation methods on milk yield of dams nursing their calf. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 27: 482
Effect of sward height on the behaviour of grazing dairy cows
Paulenz E, Gygax L, Barth K, Hillmann E (2021) Effect of sward height on the behaviour of grazing dairy cows. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 27: 281
Does mixing cattle with broilers on pasture yield any benefits?
Hübner S, Barth K (2021) Does mixing cattle with broilers on pasture yield any benefits? Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 27: 373
Vocalisations don´t lie? Comparison of stress responses to two different weaning methods in dam-reared dairy calves
Vogt A, Waiblinger S, König von Borstel U, Barth K (2021) Vocalisations don´t lie? Comparison of stress responses to two different weaning methods in dam-reared dairy calves. In: Boyle L, O'Driscoll K (eds) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group level : WAFL 2021 ; Cork, Ireland, August 16-19, 2021. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, p 85
Towards a dual-polarisation radar vegetation index for Sentinel-1 for grassland monitoring
Holtgrave A-K, Ackermann A, Röder N, Kleinschmit B (2020) Towards a dual-polarisation radar vegetation index for Sentinel-1 for grassland monitoring. Grassl Sci Europe 25:596-598
Artificial vs conventional rearing of pigs: tail lesions and losses, skin lesions and performance
Gentz M, Lange A, Ammer S, Burfeind O, Traulsen I (2020) Artificial vs conventional rearing of pigs: tail lesions and losses, skin lesions and performance. Book of Abstracts Ann Meet EAAP 26:
Effects of a 3-month nursing period on fertility and milk yield of cows in their first lactation
Barth K (2019) Effects of a 3-month nursing period on fertility and milk yield of cows in their first lactation. In: Newberry RC, Braastad BO (eds) ISAE 2019 : proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the ISAE ; 5th - 9th August, 2019, Bergen, Norway ; Animal Lives Worth Living. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, p 85
Effects of dam bonded rearing on dairy calves' reactions towards humans vanish later in life
Waiblinger S, Wagner K, Barth K (2019) Effects of dam bonded rearing on dairy calves' reactions towards humans vanish later in life. In: Newberry RC, Braastad BO (eds) ISAE 2019 : proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the ISAE ; 5th - 9th August, 2019, Bergen, Norway ; Animal Lives Worth Living. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, p 221
Improving the cow-human relationship - influence of restraint during gentle interactions
Lürzel S, Lange A, Heinke A, Barth K, Futschik A, Waiblinger S (2019) Improving the cow-human relationship - influence of restraint during gentle interactions. In: Newberry RC, Braastad BO (eds) ISAE 2019 : proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the ISAE ; 5th - 9th August, 2019, Bergen, Norway ; Animal Lives Worth Living. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, p 216
Does nature protection status affect grassland utilisation and farming? - A German case study
Ackermann A, Röder N, Rudolph S, Baum S (2019) Does nature protection status affect grassland utilisation and farming? - A German case study. Grassl Sci Europe 24:110-112